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Peter Mericka

Hi, I'm Peter Mericka. Welcome to my profile!

Peter Mericka - consumer advocate and lawyer. Focus on protection of real estate consumers of residential real estate services, providing low-cost comprehensive real estate sales and conveyancing services. Australia's first "Real Estate Lawyer", having introduced the concept in 2002, and developing it as a means by which lawyers can provide a more comprehensive, safer real estate service to buyers and sellers of residential real estate. Improper intervention by Consumer Affairs Victoria led to Supreme Court action, followed by a corruption complaint regarding the laundering of corrupt conduct through the legal system - the battle continues. Occasional instructor in Property Law at Leo Cussen Institute Practical Training Course, Melbourne, Continuing Professional Development Seminars (CPDS) Melbourne. Strong interest in the development of "blue ocean" strategies for expanding the role of the lawyer into areas lost to other professions, and legal services currently dominated by non-lawyers. Notes: Common misspellings: Peter Merika, Peter Merica, Peter Merrika, Peter Merricka

Peter Mericka's Background

Peter Mericka's Experience

Legal Practitioner at Real Estate Lawyers Victoria

2003 - Present

The role of Legal Practitioner Director is clearly set out in the Legal Profession Act 2004 as follows: "Legal Profession Act 2004 - SECT 2.7.10. Incorporated legal practice must have legal practitioner director 2.7.10. Incorporated legal practice must have legal practitioner director (1) An incorporated legal practice is required to have at least one legal practitioner director. (2) Each legal practitioner director of an incorporated legal practice is, for the purposes of this Act only, responsible for the management of the legal services provided in this jurisdiction by the incorporated legal practice. (3) Each legal practitioner director of an incorporated legal practice must ensure that appropriate management systems are implemented and maintained to enable the provision of legal services by the incorporated legal practice- (a) in accordance with the professional obligations of Australian legal practitioners and other obligations imposed by or under this Act, the regulations or the legal profession rules; and (b) so that those obligations of Australian legal practitioners who are officers or employees of the practice are not affected by other officers or employees of the practice."

Legal Practitioner at Mericka Legal

1993 - 2003

Adviser - Internal Investigations Department at Victoria Police Force

1993 - 1996

Discipline Advisory Unit - Adviser, Internal Investigations Department. Preparation of prosecution advices and briefs in relation to police disciplinary matters.

Police Prosecutor at Victoria Police Force

1989 - 1993

Prosecutor, Police Prosecutions Division. Prosecution of charges brought by police in Children's' Court, Magistrates' Court, including contested committal matters.

Senior Detective at Victoria Police Force

September 1985 - October 1989

o Detective, Victoria Police Criminal Investigation Branch. Investigation of criminal offences, including homicide, fraud and property offences. Commended as follows: "Detective Senior Constable Mericka commended at District Level for a painstaking, thorough and difficult investigation in the preparation and presentation of an Inquest Brief. The efforts of the member reflect great credit on his professionalism and were the subject of high praise from the State Coroner."

Police Officer at Victoria Police Force

June 1979 - August 1985

o General duties policing. Community policing, traffic policing, crime prevention, resolving of domestic disputes, divisional van police response.

Legal Practitioner Director (LPD) at Lawyers Real Estate


Australia's first Real Estate Lawyer, offering real estate sales services for clients on a fixed fee-for-service basis. Development of the concept of the one-stop real estate sales, advice and conveyancing service. Consumer advocate, with focus on fraud and illegal conduct in the real estate and conveyancing industries.

Peter Mericka's Education

Monash University

1981 – 1990

B.A., LL.B

Peter Mericka's Interests & Activities

Property law, conveyancing, consumer advocacy, real estate, corruption investigation

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